Apologies for the delay in reporting the Samrun 10k - work has been busy, so no blogging and no training...
Anyway, the Sumrun 10k run for The Fat Runner went pretty ok actually - not great, but ok...
The morning started with my wife asking me at 7.30am if I was running or not. Because all she got was a grunt, she left me sleeping. In the end, I woke up at 8.50am, and then it was a panic to get there in time. But we got there just in the nick of time. Or 10 minutes before the nick of time, as I occupied the bathroom for 10 minutes once I was there. To the guy who was waiting to use it after me, I'm sorry I took so much time and I hope you made it to the starting line on time...
The run was set in the grounds of the very picturesque Wellington College in Berkshire. And the weather was hot - a little over 25 degrees C and sunny. Unfortunately, because of the race to get out of the house in time to get there, I missed my water bottle and lucozade on the way out, so I was rather dehydrated.
Anyway, not much to say about the run. It started, I found my natural place at the back. I overtook a few people, a few people overtook me. And then at 4k, the dehydration started to take its toll and I needed to take a few walk breaks. And then blisters set in. I was absolutely determined that I wasn't going to pull out, so I just turned the ipod up and kept on running, and eventually finished in around 66 minutes. Slightly slower than the Nike Run last year, but still not too bad considering I hadn't trained properly, had drunk (copiously) at a friend's birthday party the day before, and had forgotten my water...
Once home, I put compeed patches onto the blisters which stayed on until Thursday night when, in a hotel bath in Oslo, they came off - showing that not much healing had been going on under the plasters. As this blog is not meant to make people vomit, I've declined to post a picture of it...
So I've been off running for just over a week now. I'm not going to be able to run for probably another week, so I'm going to build myself a rudimentary gym in the barn while I'm on vacation. Pictures will follow. I'm hoping to follow some version of the turbulence training workout.
I've also been challenged (by RunningBetty to try to get up to 100 press-ups in one go within July. I'm hoping that it won't interfere too much with the turbulence training workout. I'm not sure I'm going to make it, but one thing I promise you is that by the end of July you'll get a video of me trying to do the 100 press-ups...(!) Gulp...
January Stato
1 week ago
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